Hello !
Well for once I think I have a great reason for MIA.....we had our baby!!!
Yes, its true....almost 4 weeks early. Labour started last thursday thru the night (back) and then we headed to the hosp on Friday late morning after getting the girls taken care of, my stamping club cancelled for that evening etc....Walked the halls till the Dr could come in at 3:30pm and he broke my water. 4:02pm Jacob Russell entered the world!!!!! 7 lbs, 11oz! Friday, May 23rd.
Jacob is Chris's grandpa's name and Russell has been in my family line for this will be the 5th generation. (originally from Scotland, and my dad's name)
We were discharged 24hrs later and its been a whirlwind ever since! He's developed jaundice which is common in premmies so today we had to take him to the hosp for blood work. If it was over 300 then he had to be admitted but it was 296! Please pray that tonight the numbers will go down so when we take him back in the morning he won't have to be admitted. No offence to nurses out there but I really hate being in the hospital. So I'm trying to nurse my dopey, tired boy as much as possible in the meantime as that helps clear it up.
Anyway we are so excited to welcome him into our family and the girls are absolutley gaga over their new brother!
Off to get a cat nap,